Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas from the Schuurmans!

     This Christmas season, I had grand plans of doing daily advent activities with Marcus, sharing the news of a baby in my womb on our cute little Christmas cards, and making all kinds of festive and beautifully decorated cookies with loved ones.  None of those things happened.  Instead, sweet baby #2 kept me pretty sick (although, I think I'm finally over the nausea) and I literally just finished Christmas shopping a few days ago.  The even funnier part is that I just STARTED a few days ago!  Anyhow, it's good to have plans, but I'm learning to go with the flow and not fret as much as I used to.  If you know my easy-going husband, you know where I am learning this mentality from.
     Our plans over the next week include our typical whirlwind adventures to Mt. Airy, Dugspur, and then we're driving to Canada (yes, I said driving).  But in typical Schuurman style, we'll see lots of family, enjoy plenty of great food, and then come waddling back over the weekend. 
      Anyhow, this is may be a short blog but it's packed with pictures.  We do want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  May the Lord open your eyes to the TRUTH of His gospel more in 2013.

This week I made home-made whipped cream and it was delicious!

Marcus agreed.

Marcus drug his rug into the kitchen one day while I was cleaning.

He still rides this little car all the time.  He even dances to the music.

Big cheesin'!

Sweet friends of ours gave Marcus a new fire station toy.

He literally woke up and started playing with it again.  He LOVES it.

He enjoyed "helping" me wash dishes.

Uncle TJ & Aunt Liv came to town briefly.  They wore Marcus out! :)

Going for a long pass...

Marcus' Christmas outfit

Our handsome boy - he's getting so big!

Marcus and his church friends (ages 2-5)

Love that sweet face!

Standing nice and tall!

Since we're going to Canada, he finally tried on his winter jacket.  I guess it's still a wee bit too big.  But that's okay.  He literally ran around in it for 10 minutes!

15 Weeks
-Made kale chips this week (not bad!)
-I think the nausea is FINALLY over
-Now sweet baby is sitting on my sciatic nerve (left side).  Ouch!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


     Alright y'all, the time has come for me to address the question that we constantly get and give a little background as to why we're doing what we're doing. 
     "Is Santa coming to your house this Christmas, little boy?" asked an older woman at the grocery store this morning.  Luckily, he was distracted by other things before any of us had to answer, but it's almost awkward for us to say, "no." 
     Wait, WHAT?  YOU AREN'T DOING SANTA WITH YOUR KID???  One of my precious relatives even said to me, "Aren't you going to let the kid have any fun???"  Allow me to explain.
     Mark and I both grew up with gifts from Santa and thoroughly enjoyed the gift-getting aspect of it all.  We probably knew at an age earlier than we were willing to admit that he wasn't real, just so we could still get the bonus presents.  Now that we're on the other side of life and are parents, we don't just do things because that's how we were raised or that's what everyone else does.  When it comes to Santa, there are a few reasons we're choosing not to "embrace" him and all the fluff.  In a nutshell:

1) Santa takes the focus off of Jesus - the REAL reason we should be celebrating Christmas
2) It's a lie.  Straight up, isn't the truth, therefore it's a lie.  It's not a half-lie, it's a lie.
3) If we tell him Santa and Jesus are both real, then finds out Santa isn't, isn't there a possibility he'll wonder if Jesus is real, too?
4) The concept of "do good and get good stuff" is wrong on so many levels.  That shouldn't be our (or our children's) motivation to do good.

     So would you allow me to unpack that a little bit?  Thanks. :)

1) As a teacher, I saw SO MANY children and whether rich or poor, girl or boy, white, black, or in between, they ALL without fail said Santa as their first thoughts when I asked, "what do you think about when I say Christmas?"  It's a natural response, right?  I mean, who doesn't like getting gifts?  But when the focus is so heavy on gifts and Santa bringing them, there's no room in their little brains or hearts for the story of Jesus' birth and how it all went down.  What an AWESOME story to share with each other, especially our children.  *Fun Fact* Did you know that no where in the Bible does it say that there were three wise men?  Nope, it says there were three gifts, so everyone assumes there were just three.  But when we take the time to sit down and really read and digest the Word, we can find out interesting little nuggets of truth like that.  If you've never done it before, or even if you have, start in Luke 2.

2) "Santa Claus is a man who lives at the North Pole..." Yeah, that's not true and as bad as you hate me saying it, it's a lie.  I know parents say, "well, we lie to our kids all the time about little stuff," or "this is a good lie."  I respectfully disagree.  Mark and I really have to strive to answer Marcus' questions openly and honestly, even though he's just two.  Some things we have to say, "I can't tell you, yet," because his little mind isn't ready.  But as it regards to Santa, why do I want to lie outright to him, just to have it unravel a few years later when he figures it out.  I would be so fearful that he'd say, "I wonder what else they've lied to me about..."  Let us not be the parents who even do, "little white lies," because they are untruths the same.  Let us be honest with our children and with one another.

3) Reasons #2 and #3 are similar, I realize that.  But think about the implications if someone, anyone, actually thought that growing up.  I bet the chances are one in a million, but who wants to take the chances that our child will think that.  Our belief in Jesus has to be FOUNDATIONAL, built on a ROCK.  Not built on doubt that's easily shaken.  I've heard someone say before, "Jesus will work it out," and maybe that's true, but we'd rather do our part to teach, breathe, and live out the TRUTH in our family so no one has to "wonder" what's true and what's not.  God's Word is true, and living, and active!  Sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).

4) Finally, the "do good and get stuff" concept is frustrating.  It almost develops a sense of entitlement and comparison to others when we should only compare ourselves with Jesus, the sinless one.  I've been around so many "entitled" children this past week it makes me sick.  They expect gifts and think you're a bad person for not giving them anything.  They even say things like, "well, I'm better than so and so..."  Blah!  Our call to be obedient and do good (1 Timothy 6:18) shouldn't be because we want anything, be it a ticket to Heaven or whatever.  Our desire to follow God's commands and be obedient should be driven out of our hearts to please HIM, our Awesome Creator who gives us more than we EVER deserve.  Yes, there are reward systems out there for children (and people) that are effective at getting a certain behavior or product.  But when it comes to our faith, let's not have this type of attitude.

     In closing, please know that this is a personal conviction that Mark and I share for our family.  If you and yours want to do the Santa game don't think for a second that we judge you harshly or look down on you.  You have to follow your own convictions and do what you deem as best for your family.  We don't hate Santa, we aren't going to hide Marcus' eyes when he comes on the tv, and it's not a bad word in our house.  We'll play along when we're around and we'll do our best to make sure Marcus isn't that kid who goes around telling all the other children that Santa isn't real.  Our intent is not to ruin your child's view of Christmas, but rather to enhance the name of Jesus Christ, the real reason we celebrate.

     Ponder this final thought.  Jen Hatmaker is an incredible Christian writer and blogger, one I follow often.  Check out what she was told by her non-Christian friend Andrew, regarding Christians and Christmas:

"I always thought it was strange how Christians will tell me they have this giant, awesome truth deep in their souls that they want to share with me, but when December 25th comes around, they lie to their own progeny because, apparently, that liberating and awesomely simple truth is somehow just not enough."

Food for thought, indeed.  

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Good News!

     Good news everyone!  It's almost Christmas and Mommy is feeling better!  It's a great season around here and we're enjoying all the aspects that come with it.  Marcus and I specifically love Christmas lights and retelling the Christmas story with his nativity scene.  We have a ton of Christmas books that we read daily, so if he's not getting the message, it's not due to lack of effort. :)  Mark and Marcus share a love of a new Christmas song that comes out of Harvest Bible Chapel and he asks to hear, "Daddy's favorite song" multiple times a day.  I'll attach the link below so you, too, can enjoy it. 
     In other news, I'm still taking my medicine for nausea.  I've tried to begin going every other day and that hasn't gone so well.  So I've decided just to stay on a regular schedule as to hopefully feel good all through Christmas, then we'll try again. But I'm 14 weeks pregnant today and feeling pretty good.  I even ate lunch and am going for SECONDS after I write this blog.  That hasn't happened in a long time.  I made the most amazing bacon carbonara with mushrooms and peas and seriously, it's some good stuff.  The second best part about it was the simplicity of it all.  Yep, it's getting better around here.
     With just over a week away until Christmas, I finally started my Christmas shopping yesterday (yes, I said started...)  Our gym childcare offered something called, "Drop and Shop," where they'd watch your child for $5 while you go shopping.  Yes, please!  Mark was still working, so Marcus played with his friends and I had 2 hours to shop my pregnant behind off.  I got MOST of our list finished in two short hours, then picked up Marcus.  He went straight to bed when we got home and I wrapped  as many presents as I could before I ran out of tape.  Marcus was quick to rip some of them when he got up, but they're not getting re-wrapped.  SORRY! 
    And finally, here are just a few pictures from this week and today.  I apologize for there not being more, but we've been out and about a lot this week, not home much.  I'll hopefully have more pictures for you next week (or maybe even a video).

He loves doing his "Brain Quest" questions with Daddy.

14 Weeks
-Eating more (hallelujah!)
-Continuing to feel better
-Had a Dr. Pepper this week (shhhh!)
-Definitely need to stop lifting Marcus.

Sweet kisses

Dancing to the music from his car

All smiles

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cuter Than Ever

     Even though we're in the midst of the "Terrible Two's" and definitely have our difficult days, Marcus has been super cute and humorous lately.  We're having all out conversations with him and are amazed at some of the things he remembers.  He makes us laugh ALL THE TIME.  So for now, we're really enjoying this season of sweetness from our little man.  Even though he can be a holy terror at times, overall, he's been great the past week. :)

Marcus LOVES the lights in his room.

Cuddling on the couch Saturday morning.

Being silly, putting my ear warmers on his head.

Playing outside at a neighbor's house.

Showing me he's eating broccoli.  This kid is amazing!

Wearing Daddy's basketball jersey.

How cute is this kid?

All smiles before bedtime last night.

13 weeks
-Nausea still on and off
-Regained some energy this week
-Peppermints are my friend
-Went to the doctor and heard that glorious heartbeat again. All looks good. :)

He wanted us to take his picture holding the "numbers," too.

Did anyone else do this as a kid?  Cut a hole in an orange, then squeeze and suck all the juice out of it?  He LOVED it!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving and More

     The past week and a half have been eventful, fun, and exhausting (especially when you're carrying a baby on one hip and one inside your womb!).  Either way, we've traveled a lot, had lots of fun, and got lots done.  Enjoy our story through pictures.

For Thanksgiving at my mom's house, Marcus had his own special table.

He loved playing ball in the front yard with Grandma and Papa John.

Playing play-doh with Papa John. 

Cracking up at Aunt Liv.

After we ate, some of the family played "Apples to Apples" and it sounded like they were having a ball!

My cousin Ben and his new baby girl, Kate. (just for the record, I put her to sleep, then handed her over)

The next day, Marcus was quick to get Granddad on the tractor before we ate.

He loved raising the bucket lift.

Driving like a big boy!

Hanging with Granny.

It was colder on Saturday, but nonetheless, he wanted to ride more.

He wanted to hug Molly good bye.

Marcus and Molly

11 weeks!

Climbing so he could reach some leftover candy

Decorating cookies with his friend, Holden.

Holden's mommy, Whitney, helped show them.

Now they understand!

So proud and so silly!

Happy to take their cookies home.

Playing with his "new" nativity set that we got last Christmas.

This boy loves "swimming" in the tub.  And soaking for that matter...

Marcus helped me with this week's picture.

12 Weeks:
-Still taking medicine and STILL quite sick|
-Belly growing - weight?  Not so much
-Love me some apple juice (Juicy Juice only, though)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!