Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Week of Fun in Pictures

He's been so dirty in the evenings and going to bed so late that morning baths have been prevalent this week.

He still loves playing the "drums" much so that he broke my two wooden spoons (literally)

Summer Blast-Off party at church Wednesday night was a BIG hit for Marcus.

He was only big enough to do the slide & bounce house, but that was enough!

He did it all by himself and went SO FAST!

He even left with his first tastes of cotton candy & a snow cone.

I cannot stand how cute his little smug self is. 

Makes my heart smile. :)

Riding "bikes" with our neighbors is another favorite pastime of Marcus'.

Marcus (2 1/2), JoJo (8 1/2), and Tori (turning 7 tomorrow).

JoJo and Tori were skipping and dancing in circles and Marcus copied them to the best of his ability.  He thought it was so cool to do what they were doing. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Week of Doctors Appointments

     The sweet Lord above gave us another 7 days of answered prayers, both big and small, this week.  Tyson and Hunter are slowly but surely gaining weight and Mark got in with the arthritis specialists as well!  His appointment was supposed to have been June 5th, but he was able to go on Thursday.  We spent Tuesday at the OB, checking on baby and seeing how he/she was progressing, Thursday at the arthritis specialist, and Friday at the oral surgeon.  Let me give you some details.  May I?
     Tuesday, we saw Dr. Pestoff at our practice, Grace OB-GYN.  She's the only woman in the rotation, but equally as wonderful as Dr. Cobb, Dr. Councell, and Dr. Jackson.  Ok, let's get honest.  Dr. Cobb is incredible and no one competes with his greatness, but still, the other three doctors are super good.  Anyhow, I measured right at 36cm (since I was 36 weeks and 2 days), so that means that baby isn't TOO big thus far.  I am 2cm dilated, 50% effaced (thinned), and the baby is in a -2 location, in relation to vertical location.  That just means the baby hasn't totally, "dropped" yet. 
     Wednesday was a good day where the three of us spent it together.  We worked out at the gym, put in a few orders at the salon, and took family naps in the afternoon.  It was LOVELY. That's also the day that Asheville Arthritis called to say they had an opening and could Mark make it the next day.  I didn't even ask the time before I told them yes he could. 
     Thursday, Mark got an early start and had Will Rennard help him so he'd finish on time.  His appointment was at 12 noon.  He said it was very thorough and they did many tests, but just like before, it was still inconclusive.  They still say things like, "it's pseudo-gout" and "are you SURE your other wrist doesn't hurt?" (hinting around to rheumatoid arthritis.  The long and short of it is this: Mark has to stop taking his current medicines and let his wrist flare up again.  When it does, he'll have to go in and let the doctor extract fluid from his wrist and then test that.  Needless to say, he's not too thrilled about the needle-in-the-wrist part, but hopefully it can give us some answers.  While he was there, Marcus and I were with the two youngest Rennard girls, playing at the park.  They mother-henned him to death, but he seemed to enjoy every second of it.  When it comes to looks, Marcus could definitely pass as the youngest of the Rennard clan. 
     Finally, Friday was a BUSY, but wonderful day.  Mrs. Cobb (yes, Dr. Cobb's wife) offered to keep Marcus last week for us, and Friday was the day that worked out best.  The three youngest Cobb boys were SO PRECIOUS with him.  I'm not sure who had more fun, Marcus or them.  Hudson, Holden, and Asa played with, fed, and read to Marcus most of the day.  I went to the salon for lunch and was surprised to see a baby shower luncheon instead!  They each made meals from my Pinterest boards and blessed us with a TON of diapers, wipes, and baby bath needs.  Even though we haven't even known these ladies a full year yet, they already treat us like family, and we sure see them in the same light. 
     After the shower, I had to run home and pick-up Mark.  He had a 1pm appointment to get 3 of his wisdom teeth removed.  He seemed a little nervous, but they were done before we knew it.  When I went back to get him, his mouth was full of gauze, and he said, "That was awesome!"  Not what I expected him to say at all, yet a good response. :) Over the rest of the day and all day yesterday (Saturday) he had little to no pain and swelling.  Today, however, a small amount of swelling has come in and the pain has definitely increased.  Thank goodness it's a Sunday and he can REST!
     So here we are, Sunday night, three weeks from my due date.  The weather is absolutely gorgeous, the house is a wreck (trust me, it is), and Marcus is outside playing with our neighbor, JoJo for the 100th time this week.  He loves that little girl and she's SO GREAT with him.  Mark's back in bed for his 2nd nap of the day because the pain seems to be increasing.  Hopefully another round of pain-killers will nip it so he'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight.  What am I going to do?  Go outside and play with Marcus and JoJo of course.  The housework can take a number.  This weather is too good and that little boy is growing up too fast. 

This big bowl of water makes him SO HAPPY!

Seriously, he plays in it for a LONG time.

Schuurmans work hard & the silverware is his job.

Running to the playground with Catherine & Mary Grace.


This tire swing was too cool in Marcus' eyes.

Now all 3 of them had a turn on it.

A cute picture on the fence.  See how they look alike?

Marcus & JoJo, playing in the yard.

37 Weeks!
-2cm dilated & 50% effaced at last week's doctor's appointment!
-Lots of lower groin pressure & pain this week
-Got pampered with a pre-baby haircut & pedicure Thursday
-I was told I look, "enormous," & then a separate person asked if I was sure there weren't twins in there. (true story)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

9 Months Pregnant

     Whew!  What a week!  With last Sunday being Mother's Day, I never would've imagined what all the next week would've included.  Hopefully, this week will be a little less eventful, unless the baby decides to come this week.  I'd SOOO be ok with that. :) 
     Quick update on our nephews: Baby A is named Tyson Luke and is meeting all his daily milestones and goals.  Despite being "stable" in the NICU, he's doing well thus far.  He still has a long way to go.  His "younger" brother (only by 3 minutes) is named Hunter Wells.  Wells is TJ's Grandma's maiden name.  Hunter had to be transferred to a children's hospital where he was evaluated for surgery.  Turns out, he does need surgery.  There is a missing link between his small and large intestine, but rather than have surgery immediately, he needs to plump up a bit.  Thus far, it's not an emergency surgery and they said it can be postponed to around a month.  So for a few weeks, both brothers will be at separate hospitals since they don't want to move Tyson yet because he's doing so well.  Please, please, please continue to pray for, by name, TJ, Olivia, Tyson, and Hunter as they dive head first into this long healing process.  Pray for TJ and Olivia to be able to take this one day at a time and to lovingly trust our Heavenly Father.  Pray for Tyson to continue to grow, develop, and improve.  Pray for God to heal the link in Hunter's intestines so he won't have to have that surgery after all.  Doctors say this type of surgery is "normal" for babies born at this stage in gestation, however, we know our Lord is the Great Physician and He can do ANYTHING!  Also, please pray for the doctors and nurses as they work on and care for both babies 24/7.  If you'd like to follow along with TJ and Olivia's journey, they have started a Caring Bridge website that tells their story.  The address is:
     In other news, final preparations for Baby Schuurman is in full effect!  Since Tyson and Hunter arrived so abruptly, I realized how much we still needed to get done before Baby's arrival, here.  Yesterday, both Mark and Marcus helped me do a number of things.  We wiped out car seats, washed receiving blankets, and got bottles/formula ready just in case we were to need to go that route again.  I do plan on trying to nurse again, so we'll see how that goes.   Either way, we're prepared this time!  Mark was even sweet enough to take our oven door apart and help me clean the inside where a liquid spilled.  He's been WONDERFUL through this whole pregnancy and cares so sweetly for Marcus and I.  Even though I'm 4 weeks away from my due date, we do have a planned c-section for Thursday, June 13th.  Physically, I feel like I could deliver any day now, yet everyone keeps telling me it's still too soon.  If I knew the baby would be ok if I were to deliver this week, I'd go drink some castor oil and eat pineapples to get this show on the road!  (*side note* those are "natural" ways to induce labor - haha).  And here's one bit of advice for all you people out there who know or will know a pregnant woman.  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT tell her she looks enormous, no matter what stage of pregnancy she's in.  A precious woman at church today, whom I really do admire, told me that today.  How do you answer that?  Needless to say, it didn't go over well, and it won't with whoever you're planning on saying it to, either. ;)
     Finally, here are a few pictures taken this week, after we got back from Winston.  Despite the physical and emotional draining that I took this week, the show must go on, and being a wife/mother continues.  It's my favorite profession in the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Enjoy!

Playing play-doh out on the porch makes less of a mess for Mommy.
"Eating" his play-doh sandwich.

Marcus and Madison - future spouses (we hope!)

Practicing hand-eye coordination with tongs & pom-poms.

...and color sorting.

Silly Goof!  Hiding in the fridge!

It's hard to believe we brought him home in this car seat!

Helping Mommy nest (or just cleaning the front porch furniture).
All that cleaning was hard work!

But Marcus got up & Daddy stayed behind. :)

Daddy took the oven door apart & Marcus helped clean it off.
Scraping off this stuck pieces.  What a good little helper.

36 Weeks!
-9 months pregnant! Whoo hoo!
-Tummy is very tight, but no contractions (yet)
-I'm beyond waddling now.  Not sure what you'd call it.
-All the "basics" are taken care of and baby can arrive any time!

Moving his stool so he can see what Daddy was working on.

"Helping" Daddy do maintenance on our Pilot.

He wanted to hold the sign & get his picture taken, too.

Our sweet little stinker!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

God's Timing is Perfect

     On Tuesday, May 14th, my morning started off quite a bit different than my sister's.  Mark was able to sleep in a little and go into work late, so  I took advantage of the time to cuddle with my man.  To make things even better, Marcus came into our room and snuggled between us.  It was a sweet moment in the Schuurman household. 
     My sister Olivia, on the other hand, had been having contractions since around 3am and wasn't even sure what kind of pain she was experiencing.  Because I know that the past few days have been a blur to her and the next few months will continue to be, I'm documenting the start of her story.

     Olivia was one day shy of being 26 weeks pregnant with twin boys.  She was experiencing pain that would make her double over about every 10 minutes.  Being the researcher that she is, she googled the difference between "Braxton Hicks" and real labor.  Even though she quickly realized she was experiencing true contractions, she didn't think she was in labor in the sense that she'd deliver that day.  She got ready and went to school to set up substitute plans since she knew she needed to go to the doctor while her husband TJ went to his 6am Bible study.  He had no clue what they were in for as well.  Upon making copies, she saw a co-worker who had a daughter that experienced pre-term labor.  She said that the doctors gave her a shot, stopped her contractions, and all was well.  Olivia assumed the same could be done for her.  After Bible study, TJ called the doctor and he advised them to go to the hospital.  Olivia stopped for gas, got a Gatorade, and proceeded on while TJ met her there.  So far, despite the pain, things were relatively calm.  Then the bottom dropped out.
     She checked in and the doctor on call examined her.  She was already 3 1/2 cm dilated.  They gave her magnesium sulfate to stop her contractions but they only slowed them down.  Once he realized the severity of the situation, the doctor on call said, "you'll deliver within a day or two."  *Note* This is NOT an example of one who has good bedside manner.  Olivia, obviously was thrown into an emotional tumbler and TJ was probably just as scared as she was.  Their regular obstetrician met them within a few minutes to explain what was going on, in a nicer way, and prepare them for what was to come in the next few hours.  Since he's also a close friend and Young Life member, he prayed with them before the ambulance took them to a larger hospital that has a NICU, just in case she had to deliver that day.
     Thankfully, they let TJ ride in the ambulance with her.  It was probably the longest 30-45 minute ride of both their lives.  She continued to experience contractions along the way and by the time they arrived at the hospital, she had dilated another centimeter.  Within a few hours, the doctors had decided that the best thing for all involved was a c-section.  I remember getting the text from TJ, telling me what was going on and my heart absolutely sank.  "No Lord, it's too soon!" I remember praying.  But HIS timing is perfect, and HE had other plans that day. 
     According to TJ and Olivia, there were probably 30 different people in the operating room when things began.  One group of people was a team for Baby A, the same for Baby B, then there were regular doctors to care for Olivia.  Within a matter of minutes, both babies were out, Olivia was able to give them a quick kiss, and they were whisked away to begin the long process to help nurse them to good health.  Baby B had to have a few chest compressions and had a little harder time getting going, but it didn't take long.
     While all this was going on, Mark, Marcus, and I were driving there.  I was 35 1/2 weeks pregnant myself but all I could think about was my sister and two nephews.  When we finally got there, she was out of recovery, resting in a room, and the rest of our family was in the waiting room.  A LOT went on after that and will continue to go on, but that is the story of how the Beroth Boys entered this world. 
     Today, Thursday, May 16th, they are considered to be, "stable."  They each weighed 1 pound and 12 ounces and were around 13 inches long.  The exact measurement weren't at the forefront of everyone's mind, so I don't know for sure.  Since TJ and Olivia weren't expecting the babies this soon, they don't yet have names picked out, but will be "required" to have them picked out by tomorrow, when Olivia will be discharged. 
     Both babies are in the NICU, on ventilators, and have feeding tubes.  They have an extremely long road ahead of them but the great thing is this: We know the Creator of the universe, the Creator of these boys, and we know HE is in control of it all.  I was amazed at how calm both TJ and Olivia were each time I saw them, and they said it over and over, "it is just the presence of Jesus."  Jesus.  What a precious name to cling to.  He has given them the peace that truly does pass all understanding.  They should be flipping out worried right now, but instead they, and we cling to the HOPE found in HIM that THROUGH HIM, all things are possible. 
     Please join me in praying for TJ, Olivia, Baby A, and Baby B.  Despite them having names yet, the Lord knows these boys and how their little lives will turn out.  Pray for the development of their brains and no bleeding inside their heads, for their eyes to open in a few weeks and for them to have great vision, and for their bowels to form and develop the way they should've if they were still in Olivia's womb.  Please also pray for TJ and Olivia as they begin the emotional and physical journey of commuting back and forth to the hospital to see and care for the babies and for the providence of how to take care of everything on a fiscal level.  There are many decisions they'll need to make over the next few months, so pray that God will give them great wisdom and discernment in all they do. 

Baby B - Day 1

Baby A - Day 1

Baby B - Day 2

Baby A - Day 2

TJ (aka-Daddy), Baby A, and Uncle Mark

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Week!

     Today is Mother's Day, but for me, it feels like it's been Mother's Day WEEK!  On Thursday, my dad came to town and played with Marcus while I did some nesting in the basement.  We have been BLESSED with plenty of friends who give us their hand-me-downs, both for girls and boys, so being the Type-A gal that I am, I have them all organized into totes for specific sizes.  The problem is that they were all stacked on top of each other and the bottom totes were getting squished AND if I needed one on the bottom, I had to unstack them all.  So, as you'll see in the pictures below, the totes are organized and READY to be used.  I'm super excited about them.
     On Saturday evening, Mark gave me my OTHER gift for Mother's Day - a date night with just the two of us.  Our babysitter, Rebekah, showed up around 5pm and before we could finish giving her instructions, Marcus was saying, "Mama, stop talking and go!"  He LOVES Rebekah and they had a very fun evening together.  Mark and I did as well!  We ate supper at a new place we'd never before been to, caught a few innings at the Tourists Game, then stopped by the salon to get a few things done without our sweet little tornado knocking products over. 
     Today we went to church, took family naps (THOSE ARE GREAT!) and then Mark cooked supper for us all.  It was a glorious day.  So between new shelves in the basement, a sweet delivered flower from my Dad & Sonya, and a date night with my man, it's been a great few days.  I'm thankful to be a mother, but also thankful for my own mother and the three "grand-mothers" that Marcus has.  My mom, step-mom, and Mark's mom are all adored by Marcus and he got to talk to each of them today.  I'm thankful that despite being the "conventional" family, Marcus and baby #2 will be raised with THREE SETS of loving grandparents who can help lead and guide him in the ways he should go.

Today at church, on Mother's Day

35 Weeks!
-Experiencing the joys and pains (literally) of motherhood today, Mother's Day
-My bladder is non-existent
-Putting on panty-hose this morning felt like running a marathon. I was completely out of breath in the end.
-I thought I was having contractions last night, but to no avail. Still praying for an early (but healthy) delivery.

Taa-Daa!  Don't they look great!?!

Our sweet boy, "reading" in his reading nook (aka-turtle sand box).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm tired but we're blessed!

Last weekend, Grandma B and Papa John gave Marcus a "new" easel.

He also received "new" trucks from friends of ours who were finished with them.

So far, the big dump truck is his favorite.

We seriously can't keep pants on the child.

34 Weeks!
-Minute Maid frozen juice bars are my new favorite thing
-Back is starting to hurt due to the arch
-Thankful for my sweet husband who cares for me so well
-I'm ok if baby wants to come early...