Titus will be two months old on Tuesday, but since we'll be out of town, visiting his cousins, Tyson and Hunter, I wanted to go ahead and write his two month blog. :) His pediatrician, Dr. Love, is on vacation this week, so we went last week anyhow, for his 2 month (or 8 week) visit. Once there, he weighed in at 13 pounds and 9 ounces (80th percentile), he is 24 1/4 inches tall (98th percentile), and he has a big ol' noggin that's 17 inches in circumference (well over 100th percentile). I was worried that he weighed too much, but Dr. Love said that his BMI (Body Mass Index) which is his weight in proportion to his height is less than 50%. In Dr. Love's words, "he's a line backer" and is perfectly healthy. Dr. Love is always good at reassuring me with any concerns that I bring. Everything checked out wonderfully and we even got better news than expected. He had a minor "manhood" issue that has fixed itself! So I left the doctor's office with a healthy, "solid" baby boy and a ton of relief. :)
He can now recognize Mark and I, and smiles on demand when we smile or talk to him. He smiles at Marcus a lot, sometimes doesn't get the chance to because Marcus is laying on him trying to give him a hug. If I'm ever out of the room and the two of them are together and I hear Titus grunting, you can bet that Marcus is trying to "hug" him again. We're working on that...
Titus has had a few nights of sleeping 5 and 6 hours at a time and is on a pretty good schedule thus far. It's not nearly as strict and predictable as Marcus' schedule was at this age, but I'm not willing to put Marcus' needs aside for Titus' schedule. And we're also on the road a LOT here lately, so sweet Titus just goes with the flow and sleeps wonderfully in the car. He still doesn't enjoy a dirty diaper, but does, now enjoy bath time with his big brother.
Marcus has been incredible this past week. There was a stretch of days for a while where he was pretty awful and got spankings daily. I'm happy to say he's not gotten a spanking or even time-out in the past week! Our sweet little angel has returned! He's a typical 2 (almost 3) year old who pushes limits, asks why, and has occasional meltdowns when over-tired or hungry, but let's be honest, so do I. It's nice to have this little joy back to "normal" and get to have some fun with him as of late.
Finally, we're super excited to go to Winston to see TJ, Olivia, Tyson, and Hunter this week. It'll be a short visit, but we'll be staying in Winston so we can be closest to them. Unfortunately, Marcus still won't be able to see them since there are no children under the age of 12 allowed in the NICU. But Mark and I are excited to see AND GET TO HOLD them. They're both over five pounds now, tube free, and only have heart monitors holding them back from going home. If they can go seven consecutive days without a brady (drop in heart rate) they'll be discharged on the eighth day! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! We're going to keep praying for their growth, strength, and development and ask that you'd do the same.
Enjoy the pics of the boys and hopefully we'll post a few from Winston when we return. :)
Even at 3am, you can't get mad at this sweet smile. |
Marcus picked out his entire outfit on this day. |
Sorting colors with milk caps. |
Titus was upset that he had to wears a Yankees shirt & Marcus tried to console him. |
We were BLESSED with lots of hand-me-downs this week and this jewel was in there. I wish we'd had it when Titus was first born, but it'll still work now, too. |
We all had some sweet snuggles in bed this morning. |
Marcus wore this outfit when he was dedicated at church and was 9 weeks old. It was big on him. Titus, on the other hand, isn't yet 9 weeks old and he probably won't be able to wear it again. Uh oh! |
Me and our sweet boys |