It has been a sweet Summer here in Asheville and we've taken advantage of the warm (and sometimes hot) weather.
On July 4th I took Marcus on a mini train ride down by the river, near our house. Our train ticket came with a drink, hot dog, cookie, and chips, so he of course thought this was the best thing ever. Where the train parked, there were all kinds of Independence Day games for him to play. Very fun. We ended the day by going to a friend's house up on TOP of a mountain (see the pictures). It was a lovely cookout finished by a fun drive around Wolf Laurel.
We have tried to spend a few days at the park, visit libraries, invite friends over, and play outside a lot. We're trying to make memories with the boys this summer. Marcus even brought his and Titus' baseball gloves to church last Sunday night because he knew Daddy likes to talk and he'd have time to do so. We also took the boys to see the Tourists play and for the most part, it was a success. Just don't ask Marcus about the time that Mr. Moon and Ted E. Tourist scared him coming out of the bathroom.
And who can forget the best event in the month of July? Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A!! We dressed up again this year, all four of us, and had a grand ol' time. We went to four Asheville locations but don't worry, we didn't eat it all. We ate plenty, gave plenty away, and had chicken and fruit leftovers the next day. Between all the kids meals we ordered, we probably got over a pint of "free" milk and multiple fresh fruit cups. ;)
Finally, Mark and I have been going to a few UNCA Alumni events recently and this past one was kid friendly. It was at a place called Creekside and it literally was. It had outdoor seating with a creek on one side and a playground on the other. They had cornhole and a full sand volleyball court. Marcus enjoyed the playground and freedom to roam around while he finished the night off getting soaked in the creek. Why not? Titus enjoyed walking around as well, but was particularly happy with all the dogs (it was dog friendly outside). We also met and spoke with the new baseball coach at UNCA, so that was especially enjoyable to Mark.
Ok friends, until next time, take care of yourselves, love others, and love God more.
One excited boy in front of the train car. |
Marcus and Mommy only (I got a babysitter for Titus) |
Train tracks |
One happy little fella |
He played the bean bag toss a few times. |
Checking out the French Broad River |
Ring Toss |
This was the first time he'd even attempt the sack race. |
We finished our Mommy/Marcus date with ice cream. He was tickled. |
On top of the world! |
This is why they're called the Blue Ridge Mountains (they look blue!) |
Marcus and his cars. We had a time keeping Titus away long enough to take this picture. |
We also remodeled the bathroom at Headlines. Isn't our handyman cute? |
SOMEbody is starting to climb. |
Marcus is very serious about his bow practice. |
Eating a doughnut before church. On this day (July 6th) he held the Bible in front of the congregation for a pledge to the Bible. |
We had a full car on the ride home! |
Tile going in! |
I love these little fellas so much! |
The finished product!!! |
Marcus in front of McCormick Field, ready for a baseball game! |
Sweet little Titus and those bright blue eyes. |
A morning at the park is just what these two boys needed. |
Who doesn't love a tire swing? |
Time to chill at the library after getting hot at the park. |
Titus only sat still (momentarily) for the puzzles. He's not nearly into books as much as Marcus was at his age. |
Counting up his money for a Blue Jays hat (his choice). |
One little calf, ready for a chicken filled day! |
That spatula won't do, Cutie Pie. You're gonna need a fork. |
Stop #1 was for breakfast in South Asheville where Daddy met up with us. |
We even got his worker, Paul, to join in on the fun. He wasn't nearly as excited as we were, but he got free food out of the deal. |
Blue eyed cows? Who knew? |
Stop #2 - Merrimon Avenue Chick-Fil-A (our newest one) |
In between stops, my friend Melissa stopped by. She drove down from Kentucky to see family but stopped at our house first. This is Titus and her youngest son, Graham.Titus just woke up from a nap, hence the pajama pants. |
Our four boys! Graham, Titus, Oliver, & Marcus. The two oldest are only one month apart in age. |
Stop #3 - Tunnel Road Walk-Up |
Me & my calves |
Stop #4 - Asheville Mall (time for them to burn off those calories in the play area) |
Eating some of the leftover fruit from the kids meals for breakfast the next day. |
Check out our $1 yard sale find! - a baseball helmet |
Reading Bible stories before bed where ever they will sit still. |
At one year old, we weren't sure if Marcus was a lefty or not. Titus seems to be pretty right hand dominant at this point in time. |
Playing at the park with his buddy Holden |
Swinging beside his brother. |
He climbed to the top all by himself! |
These two were fearless! |
Daddy helped him finish this big dinosaur puzzle. |
Marcus and his buddy Chase playing cars while Titus sleeps. |
Marcus raking the volleyball court at the UNCA Alumni event. |
Titus laughing at seeing himself in my phone. |
This little bulldog enjoyed his time. |
Titus tried his darndest to get in. |
Getting a little bit wet... |
Totally soaked by the end of it all |