Monday, September 7, 2015

Family Pictures

     Even though these are almost a month old, I still wanted to share a few pictures from when we had them done.  I was very pleased with the end result. 

The three most important fellas in my life.

This October 29th will be our ten year wedding anniversary.  I could've never dreamed this is what our family would look like ten years later.  I love these people so.

Titus' face makes me think he pinched Stella since she's wailing.

Titus Jeffrey - 2 years old

Marcus Paul - almost 5 years old

So glad I married this man.  <3

He said he'll give a knuckle sandwich to anyone who messes with his sister.  Titus said it'd be fun to watch. 

With two older brothers and a very protective daddy, Stella is one gal who is well-taken-care-of.

This was my Grandmother Bolen's sewing basket.  When I opened it up to put Stella in for the picture, the smells from the inside took me back to her house when she was alive.  That woman would spoil this baby rotten if she saw her today.

Stella Ruth - one month old when these photos were taken

We had to get SOMETHING Braves in these pictures.  A Braves bow is all I had.  But let's face it.  The Braves stink this year and the Jays are doing amazing things.  Let's hope they keep it going!

A friend of ours made these little barefoot sandals and matching headband.  The sandals are pointless but oh so cute!

Me and my girl

Love these boys!