I know it can be an exhausting job at times, but most of the time, I really have fun being a mommy. When I let my OCD go, things can be really great. For example, letting Marcus play in the mud makes a colossal mess, however he enjoys himself SO MUCH. Thankfully, this week when he went out and played in the puddles, Mark was gracious enough to clean him up. He stripped Marcus down on the front porch and carried him to the shower for a quick rinse. Of course, that made it all the more fun for Marcus since Daddy was involved. Everything is cooler if Daddy's involved.
Later this week, I also worked with Marcus on knowing his shapes. He knows a triangle all the time, but only knows the other shapes here and there. Either way, he enjoyed me letting him use a dry erase marker to try to trace each shape, outlined with a dotted line. Again, I had to let go of the OCD because he typically writes all over himself. This time, however, he did alright. :)
He can sing his ABC's and count to 12 without help, but is yet to recognize the numbers or letters. Thanks to my sister and her husband, he has a soft-foam puzzle with both, so we practice them sometimes multiple times a day. I hope his enthusiasm with learning continues, but for now, we're teaching him as much as possible while his brain is still so sponge-like. In fact, Mark even taught him how to spell his first and last name. I wish I could say I had something to do with it, but I did not. The video below proves that I'm not a liar. :) Enjoy!
Playing in the puddles with his bucket and shovel. |
I'd like to say he's tracing shapes, but he just enjoyed scribbling on each card. And yes, I fully believe he's a lefty nowadays. |
Eating lunch - Today he wanted triangle sandwich pieces. |
What's cuter than a naked baby in the tub? His love of bathing continues (just like Daddy) |
He was so proud of how he lined up his cars, bumper to bumper. |
Just a lazy Sunday afternoon, after church, while lunch was cooking. |
He WANTS to catch the football but even when Mark hits him in the stomach, it's hard to catch it with your eyes closed. |
Ok, NOW he's ready! |
We are SO EXCITED about his new toy box. He put all his toys in it and neatly displayed his trucks on the second shelf. Yes, he has a little of his mama in him, too. |
21 Weeks -Mark got to feel baby move this week! -Eating Gushers like they're going out of style -This child is ACTIVE! -Stayed up and watched the Super Bowl with my love. Yay for popcorn and caffeine free pepsi! |
Marcus wanted his turn, too |
Sneaky little grin |
Looks like Mama in his picture |
In this video, Marcus is spelling "Marcus" and then "Schuurman"
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