This week, we had lots of "family time" together, just the three of us. We're specifically trying to make extra time to do fun things with Marcus before the baby gets here. I know it will rock his little world when his brother or sister gets here, so we are trying to give him extra attention and time now. Last week it was the fire station and this week we were blessed with free tickets to the Biltmore Estate. Well, rather than take a 2 year old into a house that's probably worth more than we'll ever make in a lifetime, we passed by the house and went straight to the petting zoo/farm at Antler Hill Village, which is still on the property. We've been there before and just like all the rest, Marcus enjoyed himself thoroughly. He saw chickens, goats, horses, a donkey, ducks, and rabbits. We let him roam around in the big courtyard and play in the grass. The weather was really nice (high 50's) and he was just happy to have freedom outside with both his parents.
On Thursday, we made an impromptu trip to Sevierville, Tennessee. Long story short, we sold our Highlander to couple from Knoxville and purchased a Honda Pilot from a nice man here in Asheville. But Thursday night we stayed overnight in a hotel and Marcus LOVED being able to sleep in the same bed, between Mark and I. Even though it was a king sized bed, we definitely all were able to cuddle. :) This was also the first time I felt baby with the hick-ups. They were so strong that the rhythmic beating of my side made me wide awake at 3am. It was a fun way to be awoken, though.
Since then, we've had colder weather and snow flurries on and off. Asheville hasn't received a good pounding of snow yet, but the winter's not quite over, even though it's March. Speaking of March, many good things are going on this month. Today, for example, is Aunt Lisa's birthday! Happy Birthday, Aunt Lisa (or as Marcus says, "Aunt Wee-Saa!")! We are counting down the days until we get to see her, Uncle Greg, Emma, Sam, and Alyssa in Charleston. Some people would be excited to get away and head to the beach for a few days (which we are) but we're more excited to spend time with these incredible people. It's amazing how close you can be to someone despite living so far away.
Also today, my cousin had her baby boy Max Thomas Jaekel! He came a few days early, but so far, everything looks great and both mama and baby are doing well. My sister and her husband will get to find out the gender of their twin babies this month as well, so we're blessed with babies all over the place! And who can forget baseball season?!?! Spring Training is already trudging right along and the real season will be here before we know it. Love me some Braves baseball (but I look forward to seeing what the Jays do this year, too - they look pretty stacked!).
So that's all for now, I'll write again next week with another episode of the Adventures in Schuurmanland. :) Until then, take care of each other and remember to love God more.
The Biltmore Estate |
"Life up holy hands in prayer and praise to the LORD." Psalm 134:2 |
Making friends with a goat. |
Our cute little man |
Checking out the chickens. |
Chasing a chicken (as usual). |
Daddy showed him how to feed the goats some grass. |
He's so fearless that he reached through the fence to pet the goat by himself. |
Grabbing life, I mean the goat, by the horns. |
So the goat repaid him by trying to eat his shirt. |
Running in the courtyard at Antler Hill Farm Village. |
He wore himself out. |
Posing for Mommy. |
Little stinker. |
My two loves. |
Yogurt snack one afternoon (he took his shirt off himself). |
Showing off his new aligator. |
Big smiles. |
Guess who's faking? |
They both were! |
25 Weeks! -Enjoyed quality "Family Time" this week going to the Biltmore Estate & staying overnight in Tennessee. -I think baby is really long since I can feel movement on both sides of my tummy at the same time. -Ended the week with a gnarly cold or sinus infection. -Still blessed beyond belief. |
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