This past weekend, Mark, Marcus, and I drove to Virginia for a time with family. Saturday morning we met my mom, her husband John, my sister Olivia, and her husband TJ at my Papa's farm to take maternity pictures. In case you didn't know, my sister is 10 weeks behind me, pregnant with TWIN BOYS and we're just so excited all around. She and I are close to the same size as far as our bellies go, so it was fun to take pictures of this wonderful time in life. I only have a few to share now, but will share more when we get the cd.
Saturday evening, my dad and his wife Sonya had a cookout to honor mine and Olivia's pregnancies and some close family came over to eat BBQ and the fixings. It was nice to see some uncles and cousins that I don't normally get a chance to see. While visiting at my dad's Marcus had a grand ol' time riding the four wheeler and playing on his new "surprise." My dad built him a small baseball diamond where they played ball lots. I can't count the number of times Marcus ran those bases, but boy did he like it.
Sunday morning, the three of us went to church with my cousin Shad and his family, came home and ate leftovers for lunch, then headed out. We stopped in Winston Salem to see our dear friends Matt and Mary Clark Hauser and Marcus' future wife, baby Madison. She's just over a year younger than Marcus and we hope and pray for an arranged marriage. ;) We got home super late, but luckily Marcus and I were able to sleep in until 8:30am which NEVER happens. I usually have to wake him up at 7am to go get Matthew for school, but Matthew's last day at pre-school was last Thursday, so we no longer have that obligation. It was a great experience but I'm glad to get a little break before baby gets here.
So that's all for now. Sorry for the delay in this week's blog, but here it is, nonetheless. Until then, have a wonderful week and enjoy this beautiful weather! :)
"Shape Roads" |
Running his car on "Southern Square" |
"Triangle Terrace" was really full of traffic! |
Putting his shapes in their proper place |
This morning, he stripped, put on his hat, grabbed his glove, and wanted to play ball with Mark. |
Loving his "new" tractor with a bucket |
Thankful for Grandma B and Papa John for this "new" easel |
33 Weeks (and 2 days)! -Baby is continuing to grow & be BIG! -Low blood pressure = no energy -Allergies are still kicking my butt -Above all, still thankful to be pregnant :)