I apologize for the lack of blog last week, but it was definitely a "not-so-easy" week. Mark got sick on Sunday and I took him to the doctor at 8:30am Monday morning. After getting a prescription, his body didn't respond as well as we'd hoped, so he felt rough most of the week. He had a high fever, extremely sore throat, and now that he's just starting to get better from that, his wrist and foot are starting to hurt. I feel bad for my man! I am, however, thankful, that Marcus nor I have caught his germs, thus far, and hopefully we won't. Marcus and I did go to work with Mark every day this week and help on the route. Marcus was WONDERFUL and didn't have ANY accidents (his first full week), so looking for the positives in a hard week, that was definitely it.
Hopefully this week will be better as Mark's parents are coming down for a visit and his dad definitely helps out on the route, while I'm sure his mom will spoil and entertain Marcus while they're here. And besides, it's always good to see family. :)
Here are some pictures taken from the last two weeks and last. Enjoy!
On March 26th, Mark's birthday, it snowed almost a inch. CRAZY! |
Marcus looking at the Resurrection Eggs for the first time. |
These eggs help tell the story of Easter. The last egg is empty because the tomb was empty. JESUS IS ALIVE! |
Nice warm weather, three days after the snow. |
Helping daddy on the truck. |
Showing off his new Braves cap. |
29 Weeks! -Passed my glucose test (whoo hoo!) -Braxton Hicks pains have started, randomly -Sleep...what's that? -Dr. Jackson said this baby was measuring bigger than Marcus at this time and he/she will definitely be bigger than he was. |
Painting with Q-Tips = fun with less mess |
The other night, Marcus fell asleep clinging to his Bible. I hope that holds true both literally and spiritually as he grows older. |
This week we're going to be working on sorting colors. He KNOWS his colors, but we'll see how well he can sort them with the different lessons I've planned. The teacher is coming out in me for sure. |
30 Weeks! -Belly button is fully protruding -Kicks & jabs are turning to pushes & rolls -Sleep deprivation is showing through my eyes -Let the countdown begin! 10 weeks or less!!! |
Our little monkey |
Mark brought this home for Marcus and it was a BIG hit. |
Thanks to Amy, the goldfish lady, for this free toy. |
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