This week we studied the letter B. My goal is for Marcus to recognize capital and lower-case b, attempt to write them both, know it makes the /b/ sound, and to know some words that start with the letter b. For this week's, "field trip," we went to BOUNCE at the Mountain Play Lodge. While there we found LOTS of things that begin with the letter b and you'll see them in the pictures below.
Also this week, our almost-four-month-old has started flipping over from his back to his belly. He's been rolling from belly to back for a few weeks now, but he's working hard to master this new skill. You can see his naked cuteness below (don't worry - diaper is on). He is just the smiliest little fella now and hearing him laugh is sweetness to my soul. He and Marcus are just ADORABLE together. Oh how I do love our boys!
Playing in Marcus' bed before nap time. |
Marcus took this picture. |
"Look, Mommy! Eyebrows!" |
Helping daddy paint (yes, he got paint on his clothes...) |
Both boys were so well-behaved, even though we stayed there late two nights. |
Waa-laa! |
B is for beads. |
Marcus enjoyed making a bracelet and stringing foam beads. |
Practicing writing a capital b in a pan of sugar. |
They are ALWAYS holding hands. Well, not always, but a LOT of the time. |
Marcus on the "B-Bed" Balls, boot, bow, bulldog, Braves bear, Blue Jays, Bread, etc... |
The finished product at Headlines. |
The night after my beloved Braves choked in the playoff and ended their season, Titus was so upset about it that he had his morning bottle and went back to sleep until 10:30! We both were depressed. |
Morning giggles on Mommy & Daddy's bed. |
Bouncing (crazy kid). |
Look who found his TOES! |
He was absolutely cracking himself up (and me, too). |
Have you ever seen a cuter rolly-polly? Look at those THUNDA THIGHS! |
Seriously, I could just eat him up. |
Pre-haircut |
Who is copying who? |
Sliding down the big inflatable slide at MPL. |
"Whoa! Look at that bear!" |
B is for BEAR! |
Marcus wanted a picture with Titus in it, too. |
B is for BOUNCE! |
Bouncing as if it were his job. |
Sleeping (as if it were his job). |
Going down head first, on his back - little dare devil! |
B is for BLUE shirt. |
And this is just cute :) |
Wore slap out. |
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