On December 13th, Titus turned six months old. What a joyous half a year it's been to have him in our family. I'm not going to lie...the first two weeks were DIFFICULT. But since then, he's been a dream baby. He's so happy! People comment on it all the time. We even call him, "Smiley Titus" because of the constant grin on his precious little face.
He now has two bottom teeth and literally ATTACKS anything he can get his hands on to chew. He still has 5 bottles a day, but that is slowly decreasing as we increase solids (baby food). He still adores Marcus and they have an OBVIOUS bond. This morning in the bath, they both were laughing the hard, belly-shaking cackles at each other. It was such a sweet moment.
Last night, Mark and Marcus were on the floor putting together a lego car and Titus was near-by on his stomach. He has yet to get his butt up in the air and get on all fours, so I wasn't worried about him getting too close to the pieces. Boy, was I wrong! He grunted and army crawled over to touch them! It was a very small movement, but definitely was gaining ground. My time of having an immobile child is fleeting.
Today at our doctor's appointment, things were great. He weighs 19 pounds and 8 ounces, is 29 inches long. Both is head circumferences and height were above the 99th percentile. His weight was in the 84th percentile, but when paired with his height, it was in the 23rd. Go figure. Our sweet Dr. Love reminds us every time that we just, "grow 'em big." Everything checked out great and all he has is a little big of eczema, but Marcus does, too. Unfortunately, they both got my dry skin. Oh well - if that's the worst news we get, we're doing well.... and we are.
*Next Blog: J is for...*
Sometimes in the morning, he'll have a bottle and fall back asleep. |
Playing in the floor with his big brother. |
"What? I've been alive half a year?" |
"Naa! You must be kidding!" |
"Holy Cow! You're serious!?" |
"I AM six months old!" |
Marcus showing off his car while Titus is safely out of the way. |
Great readers start early. |
Marcus tracing over the letter J. |
Feeding/Holding him is my favorite time of the day. |
Our sweet boy got shots today and didn't feel awesome. So I got some sweet snuggles in before he went to bed early. |
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