Before having children, and even a few months into having Marcus, I felt like we (semi) had it together. Our house was still somewhat clean, so was our car, and even though we were getting a little later to events than I'd like, it wasn't usually due to having a baby (right, Honey?). We still attended church multiple times a week, we were all dressed in clean, presentable outfits, and the worst thing that I had to deal with was having spit-up on my new sweater.
I would see these families out where the children were dirty. It was not due to lack of baths, but they had a messy face from their previous meal, spills on their shirts, and dirty knees from where they'd been playing. The mom usually looked disheveled and exhausted, the kids were loud and kinda wild, and their car...oh man, it was a train wreck. I don't even want to think about what their house looked like inside. They'd show up places a good 20+ minutes late and apologize thoroughly for their tardiness.
I am sorry to say that I thought some pretty horrid things about "those" people. I'd think, "why doesn't that mom wear make-up and try to make herself look better? Surely she knows how bad she looks..." or "if you're going to be that late, why even bother coming?" Awful questions like, "why don't they even look at what their kids are wearing before they walk out the door?" and "can you not get control of your kids?!" I'm so embarrassed to admit all that, but I find it cleansing to confess my sin and tell you how I NOW see things.
I get it. Really. I now get it.
In my pride, vanity, and Type-A struggles, I still TRY to look presentable, be clean, and have polite children, but that's just it... THEY ARE KIDS! They're sometimes so unpredictable even I can't foresee what's coming.
I used to see children wearing the shoes called "crocs" and say, "not my child...those are ugly shoes!" I still think they're ugly (no offense) and think they're great play and pool shoes, but not shoes to go with a nice outfit. So why would I let Marcus wear them 6 out of 7 days? Because the fit that follows me saying no to him isn't worth it. He absolutely loves the crocs he got for Christmas and wants to wear them 24/7. So much so, that he even THANKS ME when I say yes the first time he asks. He ADORES them.
Another example? Why is he covered in marker and food crumbs when we walk in? Because despite his shower this morning and being clean, he found markers in the car and "unintentionally" drew on himself while finding a snack on his own to devour while I was changing Titus. The boy is so tall he can get into the fridge and pantry on his own. He can even open juice by himself, hence the purple spots on his new white t-shirt. Do you see what I'm saying, people!? Even despite my best efforts, we're a mess!
I say all this for multiple reasons.
1) God is using our children to really humble me and make me realize how arrogant and selfish I was before, and still am. I still struggle with my own quest to keep up and even "be" the Jones, but the Lord knows that's not good for me, nor will it bring Him the most glory.
2) I know many people aren't nearly as transparent as me, but inwardly you might feel the same. I share this so you know you're not alone, but also to explain the "why" in it all. Sometimes people are a mess because they just don't give a hoot. Sometimes people are a mess due to circumstances outside of their control. Either way, it's not for you to worry about.
3) Finally, I find freedom in admitting that we are THAT family now and that I don't have to worry about judgmental glances and haughty looks. Now you know that we aim high but still fall short. It's not due to lack of effort, because trust me, I'm exhausted, but it's just a short phase of life. Why get worked up in appearances? Let's focus on pouring Jesus Christ into our hearts and the hearts of our children so when they grow up (and it'll be all too soon...) they can know, trust, and serve Him with all THEIR hearts.
With all that being said, here are a few pictures of our messy crew. :)
The lion had lasagna and lemonade for lunch! (L week) |
Titus pulled all the books off the shelf, so Marcus enjoyed reading them again. |
Sweet little Smiley Titus. |
Marcus had his first swimming lesson this week. He looks ridiculously silly here, but overall, did very well for a first timer. |
We're such a mess I had to get Marcus to help me mop. |
He did a really great job, too! |
Silly brothers, giggling in the floor. |
This is how you take a shower if you didn't get up in time to before they woke up. |
Titus thoroughly enjoyed his pizza crust today at lunch. |
Everyone loves a naked baby, right? |