Since getting home from Canada, my dad came to town, not just to visit, but to bring many of the Christmas gifts that we didn't have room in our car to bring back. It was like Christmas all over again for Marcus and Titus. Titus has a new puppy friend named Scout who sings and talk to him and we programmed him to even know and say his name. Marcus have been more than excited about three main things: a teepee tent, his new set of golf clubs, and a new scooter (just like our neighbor JoJo's).
Also since Christmas, Titus turned seven months old and continues to be the smiliest little guy we know. His nickname, "Smiley Titus," has stuck and he lives up to it, unless he's teething, in which he's quite the grumpy fellow. He just recently began to cry when I dropped him off at the nursery at church, so the separation anxiety phase is now in full swing. I don't even get out the door before he's wailing, but for the most part, he quits crying within five minutes.
He also was dedicated at our church this past Sunday along with two other babies. I don't yet have many pictures, but he semi stole the show by babbling/talking loudly and then pulling off Pastor Clark's glasses while he prayed over all three of us. A dedication is not saying Titus will be saved or even go to Heaven one day. When he's of age, that's something that only he can choose. It is, however, a public commitment by Mark and I to raise he and Marcus in the way of the Bible and do everything in our power to live out the Gospel and BE Jesus to him. We pray for both our boys to accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, but again, it's something that they'll have to choose. We can't choose for them.
In other news, both my twin nephews had minor surgeries yesterday (on their eight month birthdays) but are now home and doing wonderful. My dad also had surgery on his knee and hopes to go home on Friday. Thank you for praying for his recovery as he has a few tough weeks ahead. And probably the most exciting news of all for Marcus is that we signed him up for swimming lessons (finally) and they start tomorrow. Depending on who's in the pool with him, I'll try to get some pics. Either way, he's super stoked about the chance to get in the pool and learn to swim.
Finally, not that you'd care, but I do... I take pictures now on my phone AND using our camera. The first set of pictures are in sequential order from my phone, then back up to the beginning of the year and you'll see pictures I've taken with our camera. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I figured more pictures was better, right?
So very excited about sitting up in the bath. |
Sweetness playing with "Scout." |
All bundled up to go shovel snow when it was 7 degrees outside. |
Hardly enough to shovel, but he wanted to. |
He lasted less than five minutes because it was so cold. I don't blame him. |
Sweet Titus chewing on a frozen banana. |
On the coldest day in 20 years, THIS is what Marcus chose to wear all day. |
Sweet boy! |
Sweet Boy #2 |
Semi-crawling: we're withing weeks, if not days of full-blown forward movement. |
This is the coldest I've ever seen or can remember. Brrrr! And this is FAHRENHEIT! |
Every morning they snuggle on the couch together. |
K is for Key! |
Playing hide and go seek with a 3 year old is easy. |
This boy is LONG and THICK. |
All bundled up! |
Marcus and his two closest friends at Son Seekers. |
When riding a new scooter, Safety First! |
Decorating a gingerbread house didn't quite go as I planned... |
The roof would NOT stay on. |
The main thing is Marcus thoroughly enjoyed himself. |
Sitting in his new fold-out chair. |
Drinking orange juice from his special straw-glasses. |
Like father... |
Like son. |
In so many ways... |
K is also for Krispy Kreme doughnuts!!! |
Apparently my lap is a super comfortable place to rest, more so than a bed. |
Trying out his new wheels. |
He likes them! |
Loving Daddy's UNCA hat nowadays. |
Hat day! |
Can you see those precious teeth!?! |
I participated in hat day, too. |
How stinkin' adorable is this? |
One of my favorite Christmas gifts: a chalk board. |
This child LOVES to eat...all the time...seriously. |
Look! A seven month old! |
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! |
Preciousness |
Working on the letter L this week. I wrote in red, Marcus wrote in blue. The only letter in his name I helped him with was the R. I'm ONE PROUD MAMA! |
This is a picture of a picture of Marcus when he was 15 months old in a pair of blue pajamas that were size 18 months. |
This was Titus, today, at seven months old, wearing the same pajamas. Uh oh! |
This starts the pictures with my camera.
Mark teaching Marcus how to swing a golf club. |
He's actually half decent. |
Have you ever seen a cuter pair in all your life? |
Sure do love them. |
Mark and Marcus filling out the weather chart. |
A fun way to match up capital and lower-case letters. |
Absolutely cracking up at his big brother. |
"He's SO FUNNY!" |
Working on his "K" project. |
K is for key - a big ol' key at that. |
This new tent is fun! |
Seriously, they both love it. |
Showing off the UNCA hat - again. |
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