Sunday, May 4, 2014

Just because I know you like pictures

I was working at Headlines one day, turn around for one second, and THIS is what I found. :)

Mrs. Joanna and Titus were quite happy with the finished product.

Titus loves Marcus' bat.

Mark puts on gloves to take out the trash, so OF COURSE Marcus needs gloves, too. 

Bringing in our neighbor's trash can like a good boy.

Have you ever wondered what a bar of Ivory soap will do if you microwave it?

Us, too.  Let's find out...

This amazing cloud of awesomeness!

We took it outside & played in it for a while before it turned to soap dust.

Using the leftover plastic eggs to work on numbers.

Counting the dots.

I now have to barricade Titus from the kitchen when I'm cooking.

He's pulling up and cruising on everything!

Time to lower the crib!

The weather has been incredible lately, so we've spent many mornings and afternoons outside.  This was a snack on the porch. 

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