A few weeks ago was a holiday that we rarely celebrate in the Schuurman home. I learned when we were dating that Mark thought Valentine's Day was stupid and we wouldn't acknowledge it. Well, I'm not quite sure why, but this year we DID and it seemed to last for a few days! Here are some pictures of the boys in the cold weather as well as a fun Valentine's Day party we had with a few preschool friends on the Friday before. On the next post, I'll show you pictures (and hopefully a video!) of the snow we finally got today (Tuesday). It was only 2-3 inches, but the pictures are fun. I just can't seem to get them to properly download yet. Until then, love God and love each other. <3
Morning snuggles on the couch are one of my favorite parts of our day. |
Titus is one cool dude in Granddad's shades. |
Marcus worked very hard on his Valentine's letter match-up game. |
He even went backwards. |
One of the finished letters - V is for violin, but Valentine, too! |
I sure do love this blue-eyed boy. |
And we love this kid, too! He cracks us up! |
Bath time buddies |
"Working" at the salon. |
So proud of how he set up his baseball field. |
Valentine's decorations done right. ;) |
We had heart lights everywhere, ready for a Valentine's preschool party with friends. |
Lights with out Valentine's / Love themed books. |
Their attempt at mean faces. |
Sweetness - for just a minute. |
Our spread of goodies for the party. |
Our sweet friends! |
Our neighbors Chris and Megan are a precious Messianic Jewish family with five children. She delivered their fifth child just two days after this picture was taken. |
My sweet man brought THESE home on Friday night. I was BEYOND stunned, but so happy! |
Mark and I spent our Valentine's date at Wee Trade - an enormous children's consignment sale. |
He even took me out to supper and we played a rousing game of checkers. We ended in a tie! |
On the actual Valentine's Day we had "reservations" at a special dinner held at Chick-Fil-A. It came with a harp, all-you-can-eat food, and they even gave me a rose. Pretty fun and a different way to celebrate. |
Bundling up to go to the grocery store when it is so cold outside. |
Sweet boy and stinker. :) |
Reading his story to Daddy - he's doing so well! |
This kid keeps us on our toes! He chose the outfit himself. |
Marcus went outside one day to shovel ice on the driveway with Mark while Titus stayed inside with me. |
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