Our sweet Titus Jeffrey is TWO years old today. He's a strong lover, a fierce fighter, and a devoted brother. He adores Marcus and mimics everything his older brother does. While he's been a little more difficult to discipline than Marcus was/is, he's usually smiling, is so very funny, and he's pretty sharp when it comes to figuring things out. I joke with people that I color my hair for fun now, but Titus will be the reason I HAVE to color it to cover the grays, one day! He loves (and is pretty good at) baseball and plays daily. His current new baseball "thing" is wearing a sock on his hand as a batting glove. He eats all day, every day, and only takes a break from eating when he's in the tub or sleeping. He ate FOUR, yes four, pieces of pizza last night for supper and when we got home just over an hour later he said, "I need some-pin to eat, Mama." He's not too picky, but is starting to deny SOME foods, but not many.
Being just over 3 weeks away from delivering a baby, I did not feel up to having a party for him. Don't hate me. He's two. It's not like he'll remember anyway. BUT!... we did do some fun birthday activities with him to make up for it. Today we took him to Asheville's Fun Depot and let him choose games to play and activities to do. He also got to pick out a toy of his choice at our favorite toy store, The Toy Box. Much to the owners' dismay, he chose a $7 school bus, but I was super happy with such an inexpensive choice! Marcus enjoyed Titus' birthday as well since he, too, got to play for well over an hour. They both played a mini-bowling game and went bonkers in the soft play jungle gym area. We finished our day off eating supper at "She-Duh's!" aka-Yoshida's Express, which again, is one of his favorites (and let's get real - mine, too). When we got home, we all snuggled up on the bed in the basement and watched the final innings of the Braves day game (and they won!) before putting him to bed early. He crashed and hasn't made a sound since.
Titus Jeffery, you are one loved child. Your daddy, brother, and I adore you and are so glad you joined our family two years ago. We pray that your tenacious personality and hard head will help you fend off sin and chose righteousness in your walk with the Lord. It's amazing that you already can say the first 10 books of the Bible and you beg for Marcus to read it to you. But it's not enough to just know and believe. Even the demons believe and shutter in the knowledge of God. It takes a personal relationship with our savior, Jesus Christ, to truly be saved. That is your daddy's and my #1 prayer for yours and Marcus' life. 3 John 1:4 says, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth," and that is absolutely how we feel. We pray this over your life now and will continue to do so as you grow (and boy, are you growing at a rapid rate!). We love you, Titus!!! <3
I forgot to write a few "Titus-isms." Here they are. :)
- Dis is Mommy? (What is this, Mommy?)
- Mommy, hode (hold) you.
- My (I) do it!
- Names for Marchs: Mah-Cuss!!! and Bubba
- Ba-ket-ball = basketball
-Where Daddy doh (go)?
-Wa-Did = water
Also, we took him for his 2 year old well visit and everything checked out beautifully. He's tall, a good weight, and has an enormous head circumference for his age. Marcus came with us and when Titus got ONE shot, they both cried...for a very long time. Sweet Marcus loves his brothers and hurts when he hurts. We love these boys, so!
Daddy and I fell in love with you long before this picture, but this was the first time we saw you face-to-face. |
This was the first time Marcus met you. He was SO EXCITED to have a brother! |
Sweet little bottom teeth popping through. |
Marcus loved (and still loves) snuggling with you in the morning. |
Clean baby! |
The flowers at the greenhouses are something to get excited about. |
Dapper little dude! |
Pictures of your first year. |
Your birthday party. |
Wearing hats backwards like Daddy used to. |
You have taken a love to baseball just like the rest of this family. |
Your first Tourists game was a success. |
You were only a few weeks old at your first Chick-Fil-A day. This year, you were big enough to walk around and make people smile with your cute cow shirt. |
You and your brother are two peas in a pod. |
Cuter by the day. |
Watching the pig races at the WNC Mountain State Fair. |
Everyone comments on how you are always smiling. |
You had a blast at the gem mine with your Canadian family. |
Fall Ball - you're a gamer. |
Your first official haircut was with Miss Erin. You love her, but you hated the haircut. |
First snow of the season. You weren't super impressed with all the bundling up that had to take place to keep you warm. |
Handy Titus! |
You and your Grandpa Schuurman |
Ready and focused |
You think it's hilarious to wear this helmet backwards and make us laugh. |
Decorating sugar cones with green icing to look like Christmas trees was fun, but more got on you than the actual "tree." |
I love watching you sleep. You still like having your green "love bunny" each night with you, when you go to bed. |
You didn't love books at first, but the older you get, the more you love them. |
Some people call this the duck face. This is a typical Titus face. |
You saw me take Marcus' picture, so we had to take your picture, too. |
You love going to UNCA for basketball & baseball games, but you are none too impressed with the loud buzzers. |
I'm not sure who copies who more... |
Dressed in all blue for another UNCA game. |
Big enough to ride a tricycle. |
We introduced the potty a few months ago. I don't think you quite grasp how to use it properly, yet. |
Seeing you two boys love each other fills my heart to overflowing. |
Big buddies - always |
The bigger you get, just like with Marcus, the better you become at baseball. You two might make a Dynamic Duo as you get old enough to REALLY play on teams. |
You take your glove EVERYWHERE. |
Blue is your best color because those sweet blue eyes pop so much. |
Although we don't frequent the doughnut shop much, you ask for doughnuts OFTEN. Your Sunday morning doughnut is a super yummy treat before Sunday School. |
Nope, not in jail. Just having a little fun with Mommy. |
One cool dude in your "sun gasses." |
You love to be outside. |
A doughnut in one hand and a Bible in the other. Two of your favorite things. |
You're now big enough to reach the rings on the playground! |
Like father, like son. |
Just a boy and his hat. What more does he need? |
Reading his truck book. |
You literally said, "Take a picture my car, Mama." |
After watching Daddy take a few turns on his ab wheel, you decided to give it a try yourself. |
Marcus likes it when the two of you dress alike or similar. Apparently, you don't mind too much. :) |
You are becoming quite aware of the baby in my tummy. You like to touch my belly and say, "the baby in der (there)?" |
*Note* I'll download pictures from today (his actual birthday) and add them on the end here, hopefully in a day or two. :)
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