Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just a few pictures this week

Daddy reading the Bible to Marcus before bed.

Mark told Marcus that they had to take a break from playing ball since he needed to study the Bible.  Marcus then insisted that HE needed to study the Bible, too.  I love Mark's Godly example for both Marcus and I.

Adding baking soda & food coloring to cups of vinegar.

Needless to say, he LOVED this activity.

More "school" time - sorting different colored items into the proper section.

32 Weeks!
-Allergies in full bloom (pun intended)
-"Ice crunching" is my favorite pastime
-Cleaned out the whole pantry and entire fridge this weekend (more nesting)
-7 weeks or less left!!! (Yes, I can do math. :) If the baby doesn't come early, I'll have a c-section at 39 weeks due to baby's size & my previous c-section)

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