Sunday, August 4, 2013

Life is Precious, Life is Sweet

There's a Christian song titled, "Life is Precious, Life is Sweet," and I often sing it when thinking about our family.  I apologize for not writing more, but time is quickly filling up and I'm lucky to even post pictures nowadays.  I WILL write a blog about the boys soon, but for now, enjoy the handful of pictures with this blog. :)

Titus Jeffrey, playing on the floor.

I never get tired of these Daddy/Baby sleeping pictures.  So sweet!

We took this sweet bunch of kids to a church softball game last Tuesday night.

How much does God love you?  "This much!"

Fist pump

Sweet sleeping baby

My laundry helper

"This is our serious face."

Who says you can't dress boys alike?

Bath time with brothers!

He saw 3 bunnies out in the yard, so he sat & watched them one morning.

Aren't these John Deere overalls adorable?

Writing practice

Marcus loves "entertaining" his brother

One cool baby

Yet again - preciousness.

Silly goof!

One morning Marcus & I made bath paint & put it in muffin tins.

Titus slept, so Marcus & I painted away!

He knows how to spell his name!

Sweet Marcus Paul

Getting ready for church

Plaid shirt boys


"Mamaaaaa!  He's gonna pinch me!"

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