Sunday, November 3, 2013

E is for elk

     E is one of those letters that begins plenty of words, but how many of them does a 3 year old understand?  Well, we came up with elephant (duh), elk, envelope, emerald, and evergreen.  And even though they're not the short e sound, we went over parts of the body that start with e like ears, elbow, eyes, eye brows, & eye lashes. For fun I printed a picture of an elk and he used his nerf bow and arrow to shot it.  Fun times.  I had NO CLUE where to take him for our "field trip" but that's the great part of him being 3.  He doesn't expect one. :)
     Even though it doesn't start with e, we went to Black Mountain on Saturday to meet up with Papa John and Grandma B who were visiting with their church group.  It was only a few short hours, but we enjoyed our time together.

E is for Eggo Waffles

So cute in his Johnny Jumper

Marcus took a picture of some of his "E" work.

Cuddling camo brothers

They love cuddling together in the mornings.

I wish you could hear how he was squealing in this picture.
Showing off Titus' new shoes, compliments of my Alaskan cousins. :)

Sitting at a table just his size at the tea shop in Black Mountain.
Sign to the tea shop

Cafe where we had a yummy lunch,.
Hanging with Papa John before our food arrived.

Marcus & Milton the Moose - we know where to go on "M" week now.

Good ol' Black Mountain.  Small town - pretty scenery.

Passing by the General Store, Marcus convinced Grandma B that he "needed" a rake.

He put it to use immediately, cleaning up the sidewalks.

Hanging with Grandma B.

Schuurmans work hard.

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