Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our week (or two) in pictures...

His hair was so long we had to slick it down, to the side.

Trying to crawl to Daddy.

I got beat by a 3 year old.

He LOVES black beans.

Finally starting to use a sippy cup.

Holding hands in the back seat as I drove. 

Vinegar volcanoes are fun!

Making a letter V with his fingers.

Sweet morning snuggles with this big boy.

He loves his walker (and yes, he literally ripped the top off).

M is for Marcus.

Capital/lower case letter match-ups.

Good dental hygiene is very important.

Marcus is SUCH a good big brother.

On Friday, we got food for the girls at the salon from a place called, "White Duck Taco."

He's getting so big!

Standing between my legs.

Cracking up because he was biting Marcus' toes.

Smiley Titus sometimes turns to Titus the Terror.

Waiting to get his first haircut.

Not too sure about the cape.

He wiggled and squirmed but Tiffany got it done!

New haircut!

My loves

Learning to walk like Marcus did.

"This thing aint big enough for both of us"

All dressed up, ready for church.

Reading Easter books from Ms. Sheila

Brotherly love and adoration.

It might be time to put this table away...

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