The week leading up to Marcus' fourth birthday had perfect timing to do lots of FUN stuff. We went to the WNC State Fair, Skytop Apple Orchard, Fun Depot, and Eliada Corn Maze. Being a Fall baby, he has lots of exciting ways to celebrate his birthday each year. Here are some pictures of our adventures last week when he transitioned from three to four.
The boys enjoyed looking at all the farm animals at the Fair. |
The sun was in Titus' eyes during the sea lion show, so he took his stroller for a walk with daddy. |
Marcus didn't want to ride anything but did go up and down this Polar Bear slide a couple of times. |
Watching the rescue dog show on Daddy's shoulders. |
Getting ready for our FAVORITE part of the Fair. |
Titus thought they were funny. |
They had goat and duck races, too. |
Learning about Daniel and the lion's den at Son Seekers. Guess which lion is Marcus. |
This picture cracks me up on so many levels. |
Titus got his third haircut and looks like such a big boy now! |
Sleeping Titus always finds a way to get his foot out of his sleep sack. |
Sweet sleeping Marcus. |
He asks for a toy every time we go to the grocery store. I always respond with, "when it's your birthday, you can." Well, this week, we did. :) This was Day 1 of birthday week. |
Catching little brother down the slide. |
He was SO PROUD of himself. |
Marcus told his aunt that now that he's four he can jump over slides. When he was three, he couldn't do that. |
Day 2 of birthday week took us to the Toy Box where he picked out his own present. |
We went apple picking on Mark's day off (Wednesday) for day 3 of birthday week. |
Titus rode in the stroller for most of the trip. |
Daddy had to hold him up to reach a few of the apples. |
Stretching as tall as he could to reach that apple. |
Titus was mad the apple wouldn't just come off easily. |
Even though you weren't supposed to eat the apples until they weighed & you paid for them, Titus couldn't help himself. |
Feeding the geese. |
Sweetness |
Marcus wanted the biggest basket they had. |
Titus had to have one, too, ya know. |
Love |
These golden delicious apples were small but abundant! |
It's always fun to go through the bamboo forest. |
Waiting for the hay ride, eating an apple cider doughnut. Seriously, these were DELICIOUS! |
Waving at people while the tractor pulled us on the hay ride. |
Marcus got a good lesson on sheep and goats on this day (spiritually speaking). |
My three loves. |
Isn't this a cute idea? Each Fall we will have to remember to measure them and see how much they've grown. |
Can you tell we were a little chilly this day? It was cloudy and a bit cool. |
Sweet smiley Titus |
Now THAT'S a big red wagon! |
 | | | |  |
Birthday balloons and birthday waffles in the shape of a star |
When Marcus woke up on his birthday, we had bright balloons and the birthday hat waiting for him. He was pretty happy about it. |
First stop: Fun Depot! |
Titus got to ride, too! (and he pitched a gnarly fit when he had to get off) |
All the fish took his attention off his putt-putt game. |
They even had a glow-in-the-dark section with three holes. |
A serious golfer. |
He chose his outfit himself and I must say, he did well! |
Skee-ball! |
Birthday supper was his choice: Yoshida's! |
Every September 19th is National "Talk-Like-A-Pirate" Day and since he has a pirate "costume" we got a free dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. |
On Friday, the boys' cousins, Hunter and Tyson came to visit. I kept all 4 boys while Aunt Liv went to the salon for a little pampering and a trim. |
Hunter is doing his darndest to walk. |
Sweet Tyson was just BEGGING for me to put him to sleep. |
Day 5 of birthday week - Eliada Home Corn Maze. Here, Mark is helping Marcus load the corn cannon. |
These slides are SO FUN! Even Titus got in on the action because Mark took him for a ride. |
Grandma B and Aunt Liv playing with the twins in the corn box. |
Titus enjoyed throwing a ball in the corn box. |
Tyson and Hunter - so serious! |
All four of them :) |
Marcus,Titus, and Hunter thought the flying corn was funny. Tyson - not so much. |
Our sweet four year old boy |
Marcus made it through the hay maze without cheating! |
Success! |
Selfies on the hay ride! |
Four little cutie pies in white tees and denim. |
We didn't do the long corn maze, which was 2 miles long, but the short one was good enough for us! |
My sister and I each carried a twin on our backs, Mark pushed Titus in the stroller, and Marcus walked with Grandma B. |
Petting the pumpkins. |
Cute as a "punkin" |
Happy Fall, Y'all! |
Children are a heritage from the Lord! A blessing from the womb. |
Happy Birthday to Marcus! |
Chalk drawing with some friends. |
Isn't he the sweetest? |
Our family of four <3 |
Blowing out his candle |
It was also a special day for Titus because he got a taste of his first kool-aid jammer. |
Birthday week caught up to Marcus Sunday night at church. He fell asleep on my leg during announcements, slept through the whole service, and even stayed asleep for the following 45 minutes while Daddy talked to a friend. |
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