Dear Marcus Paul,
Today you are FOUR years old. It was four short years ago that you finally came into our lives (four days late, I might add...) and changed everything. You changed our lives for the BETTER.
In your four years of life, you have taught me more than I thought I'd teach you in your whole life. God specifically teaches me daily about His love for us, though you. Knowing God sent Jesus to die on the cross for MY sins brings me to my knees in thankfulness. I could never sacrifice you and it just goes to show me how deep His love is for us. He sent HIS SON for us. Your daddy and I pray daily that you will know Him on a real and intimate level one day. That is our greatest desire in life, for you and Titus to live authentic lives for Jesus Christ.
You know plenty of Bible stories and verses at your age and you astonish us with what you can remember. You love going to Sunday School, regular church, Kids Kitchen, and Son Seekers at our church each week. Your teachers tell us all the time that you are polite in class but know all the answers. We still need to work on your humility a bit, but I'm not quite sure you know what that means, anyhow.
Marcus, you have a love for baseball, just like your daddy. He has taught you to throw, catch, and hit in amazing ways. I'm stunned at how far you can hit it when he pitches to you. It's fun to watch you and Daddy play baseball down at the bottom of the hill. I especially love it when you hit it, sling the bat way far away, and run the bases, even though we tell you not to sling the bat. Your favorite baseball player is Jason Heyward from the Braves. You used to tell everyone your favorite team was the Blue Jays (which I know you still love) but since we watch them on a weekly basis, you now tell everyone that the Braves are your favorite, which makes my heart happy. You ask me each morning if they won and what the score was. You're a real connoisseur of the game. But you still love just about any other sport with a ball: basketball, golf, hockey, football, etc.
While you're just turning 4 today, you already know all your letters and beginning sounds, you can count at least to 100 on your own, and you have a real love for books and learning. You must ask 500 questions in a day. When I tell you, "no more questions," you say, "Why?" - which is another question. You are inquisitive in a great way, but sometimes it's more than I'm able to answer. I'm thankful that your daddy takes time to answer what you want to know when I've exhausted all my resources.
You are strong-willed, wide open, empathetic to others, and ALL BOY. Some days you go to sleep holding your baseball glove instead of Teddy Bear or Puppy Dog. You even went to bed this week with your new dart gun. What a precious one you are! You make Daddy and I smile and laugh each day. And I know Titus adores you as well. When he is mean to you and gets put in time-out, you are sweet and bring him a toy so he won't be sad while being punished. You try to help him make good choices and you always know how to make him laugh. You are great protector of your little brother, even though he might be bigger than you one day.
You are long and lanky, the tallest of your peers, and you have beautiful blonde hair which your daddy loves keeping short. Your blue eyes shine and your smile warms my heart. You fuss almost every time I clip your fingernails and toenails, and you love showers/baths (just like Daddy). You even take showers with him and sometimes Titus joins in. It's a party in there! What a good Daddy you have.
Marcus, it's been a fun day and I am really thankful you chose Yoshida's for your birthday dinner. It's one more reason I'm proud you are our son. But seriously, you make us proud each day and I can't imagine loving you more. But I said that yesterday and it's clear that my heart loves you more today. Sleep tight my blessed son. Tomorrow we will continue this journey together called life where we attempt to bring glory to God in all we do.
I love you madly, Marcus!
Love, Mommy
You were an alert newborn. |
One day old and I was already so in love with you. |
Granny and Granddad couldn't wait to meet you. |
Bringing you back to where it all began - UNCA. |
Your first Christmas. |
You were a very happy baby. |
Your first trip to Turner Field - we were in the DUGOUT here! |
First tux. |
Chillin' by the pool. |
11 months old and doing your best to walk. |
One year old! |
Second Christmas - with Grandma B. |
You loved (and still do love) riding the tractor with Granddad. |
"Where'd it go?" |
Two years old - splashing in the mud. |
Announcing baby #2 |
Meeting Titus, your new baby brother. |
My cup overflows. |
Chaos was (and is) our new normal. |
Giggling with Papa John. |
You sure do love your brother. |
Titus' first Christmas |
Playing in the snow in Canada. |
Bulldogs basketball game with Daddy. |
Just you and Teddy Bear. |
Hot chocolate warms you up after playing in the snow. |
JoJo, our next door neighbor, and sweet friend to you. |
Even after we get home and I unbuckled you, you were O-U-T. |
Twins! |
Just waking up in a hotel on our way back up to Canada in February 2014. |
First time playing ice hockey on real ice. |
Sporting Indians gear for Daddy. |
Visiting with our sweet friend, Madison. |
Happy Canada Day! |
Going to a Tourists game. |
Apple picking with Daddy. |
Four. Years. Old. Today. |
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