Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Week in Pictures

Marcus thought it was funny to put his coat on backwards last week

His love for books continues and this one was about baseball.  Two of his favorite things in one!

Last week, it was pretty cold, but we still managed to get outside, thanks to Daddy.

He calls his toboggan his toe-bog.

Playing ball with Daddy at the bottom of the hill
Top Secret valentines being made here

We both had on our shirts that are only worn for painting.
Funny boy, "hiding" in the fridge.

We're halfway there - whoo hoo!
20 Weeks!
-Halfway there!!!
-L.O.V.E.D. watching baby on the ultrasound
-Everything looks "perfect" according to Dr. Cobb
-Baby is moving a LOT and often

Monday night, Marcus INSISTED on taking his Bible to bed.  I took it out after he fell asleep but he woke up in the middle of the night crying, asking for it.  When I returned it, he fell right back asleep again.

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