Friday, January 25, 2013

Baby #2

     This past Monday, Mark, Marcus, and I all went to the doctor's office to see the next member of our family - Baby #2.  We had a long ultrasound and enjoyed watching this child move around and eventually get nuzzled in and go to sleep.  A wonderful time was had by all and Dr. Cobb said everything looked, "perfect."  It never hurts to use words like that. :)

Here's baby's torso, hand, and head.  I think this one's profile looks a lot like Marcus' did at this time.

Chest and head

No, there are not two babies in there.  This is just a picture of the left hand and arm (left side) and the right hand and arm (right side).  They are so clear and show all the bones that are already there!

Here's the best picture of baby's face we could get.  Can't wait to meet you little one!

And even though this is a blog dedicated to Baby #2, Baby #1 is still as cute as ever!

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