Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Week of Fun in Pictures

He's been so dirty in the evenings and going to bed so late that morning baths have been prevalent this week.

He still loves playing the "drums" much so that he broke my two wooden spoons (literally)

Summer Blast-Off party at church Wednesday night was a BIG hit for Marcus.

He was only big enough to do the slide & bounce house, but that was enough!

He did it all by himself and went SO FAST!

He even left with his first tastes of cotton candy & a snow cone.

I cannot stand how cute his little smug self is. 

Makes my heart smile. :)

Riding "bikes" with our neighbors is another favorite pastime of Marcus'.

Marcus (2 1/2), JoJo (8 1/2), and Tori (turning 7 tomorrow).

JoJo and Tori were skipping and dancing in circles and Marcus copied them to the best of his ability.  He thought it was so cool to do what they were doing. 

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