Saturday, June 29, 2013

Being a Mommy of Two

     Before we had Titus, Mark and I ashamedly discussed if and how we'd be able to love another child as much as we love Marcus.  Every parent of multiple children told us that we would, but there was always a little bit of doubt in the back of our heads.  Well, now that he's here, we were fools to think that.  We absolutely adore Titus and our love for Marcus has grown even stronger.  He's a super big brother and is very protective over Titus.  He even tells us how to parent.  "Mommy, he doesn't want his paci right now."  "He's firsty (thirsty) Mommy.  Go get him a drink."  and so on...
     We are definitely enjoying having a baby around again and like we said before, we're enjoying the challenges that another child brings to the family.  I'm not sure how well of a balancing act we're doing, but we love spending time together, with each other and with our boys.  I feel guilty for admitting this, but deep down, I wanted another little boy so Marcus would have a brother, close in age, to play with.  We're thankful that happened because I can already foresee them playing together a LOT when Titus is big enough.  
     *Update on Mark* He had an MRI on his wrist Wednesday and saw a Bone & Joint specialist yesterday (Friday).  The MRI showed no ligament or tendon damage, so all doctors are leaning towards something arthritic, even though it's only one joint and his blood work is not conclusive that it's that.  He'll probably begin taking some type of medication to treat rheumatoid arthritis after he sees the rheumatologist again.  His wrist is now bigger and more swollen than I've ever seen it, so please pray for relief and healing in his hand.  Also, he saw his oral surgeon again this week and after a CT scan, the only thing they can come up with is that he had a nasty infection that wouldn't leave without a LARGE dose of antibiotics for three weeks to kill it.  In the mean time, he has lock jaw and can only open his mouth a fraction of the way.  He can eat, but it's SMALL bites.  In fact, he's lost 15 pounds.  To put it into perspective, if I were still pregnant, we'd either weigh the same or he'd weigh LESS!  He just doesn't feel as good as he should, so please join me in continuing to pray for both his wrist and jaw to heal and for the infection in his body to go completely away.
     Finally, here are some of the latest pictures I've taken of the boys.  And I'm sure you noticed the picture at the top!  We had some newborn pictures taken of Titus along with a few of the rest of our family.  I am VERY excited to see them all, but thankfully our photographer gave us a sneak peek with this picture.  (Don't worry Canadian family - I had pictures made with his Jays cap, too!).  Until I get them all back, here are pictures that I took myself.  Enjoy!

Blue hydrangeas!

And pink!

A sweet friend, who brought supper one night, brought these PURPLE ones as well.  I LOVE having fresh flowers in the house!

Sweet baby & his pink paci (it's the only one he'll take)

Working with his number and letters

Pulling the letters out of the "soup"

He LOVES washing bottles and I LOVE IT TOO!

Amen to that!

Marcus loves his baby brother

Titus: feet up  Marcus: playing with his feet :)


Our sweet friend Whitney brought over her two kids and supper one night.  It was YUMMY and the kids played well together.  Here, Dagen was DYING to hold Titus.

Titus (2wks), Marcus, Holden (both 2, almost 3), and Dagen (15 mo)

Being so careful

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tons of pictures

One way or another, he finds a way to get his feet uncovered.

Snuggling with Daddy is the best place to be.

Marcus LITERALLY tries to kiss him every hour of every day.

Just before his first bath.

First doctor's appointment with our beloved Dr. Love.

Marcus and his self-made fort.

Mary Clark showing off Titus' Tarheel socks.

Sweet Madison trying to calm Titus.

Madison and Marcus - a match made in Heaven. :)

Poor Titus...

"No, no baby - don't cry!"

Pondering life

1 week old and pretty happy about it.

Enjoying lunch out on the front porch.

Nothing cuter than my sweet babies, sleeping.

Marcus had a BLAST at his first Vacation Bible School.

Chillin' on Daddy's chest.

Marcus found these monkey pajamas in his room and decided to wear them (even though he took them off in five minutes because it was too hot...)

Brotherly love.

Titus' first time in the swing.  Marcus was watching to make sure he was ok.

Again, observing little brother.

Getting mommy's milk, one way or another, in addition to supplementing.

Lollipops are a boy's best friend.

The wedding we went to on Sunday had lollipops & bubbles.  Marcus was elated.

Sweet boy.

Cracking up at the bubbles.

Beautiful scenery.  Can you find our boy?

Helping Mommy wash the bottles.

Snuggling with Daddy while he talks to Grandpa.

Titus' outfit for National Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A.  It's coming up in July and we'll ALL be dressed like cows.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bringing Home Baby

*CAUTION* This blog contains LOTS of pictures!  Repeat...LOTS of pictures!*   

  What an eventful and FUN past few days we've experienced, here in the Schuurman household.  We knew going from a family of three to a family of four would have it's challenges, but didn't know to what degree, nor did we know the extent of the love we'd have for each other once we were all back together again. 
     Titus is (so far) a very pleasant little guy.  He's not overly loud, seems pretty chill, but absolutely HATES being naked or having his diaper changed.  He cries that pitiful "hurting" cry when we change his diaper and we go as fast as we can.  Once finished, he almost immediately stops crying and just melts into our arms.  Marcus is very protective over him and absolutely adores him.  He kisses his "wittle head" multiple times a day and is constantly asking where he is or what he's doing.  It's great that he loves Titus so much, but he's been VERY defiant and ugly with us since bringing the baby home.  Our pediatrician told us that's to be expected, but I didn't think it'd be THAT bad.  Oh it is.  He's been downright AWFUL to Mark and I the past couple of days.  We have tried to have extra grace for him and show him extra alone times to be loved, but either way, it's just something that will have to be worked out.  I'm sure it'll be fine, but frankly, I'm stunned at how he's reacting, especially towards me.
     Anyhow, other than that, I went to the doctor today and things seem to be healing up nicely.  I felt TERRIBLE last night, but today is a new day and has been much better.  The staples are out and my incision is on the mend, but still quite sore.  It's nice to have my mom in town, waiting on Mark, the boys, and I hand and foot.  I haven't lifted anything heavier than Titus since before he was born.  She's been cooking and cleaning up a storm and for that alone, I'm SUPER grateful.  She's been especially helpful at playing with/distracting Marcus while I attempt this whole nursing thing again.  Boy, is THAT a challenge!  But it's one that I've committed to try again, exclusively, for at least two weeks, then we'll re-evaluate.  I HOPE to be able to, but time will tell.
     In the mean time, enjoy these pictures, please feel free to comment or e-mail us.  We love hearing from you (especially our sweet Canadian family), and we look forward to each of you meeting Titus sometime in the near future.  Until then, as my sweet husband says, "Enjoy the struggle," because even though all this is a temporary struggle right now, it's soooooo worth it. :)

"Chaos" is our new "normal"

Leaving the hospital in our Braves shirts.  This is about as good of a family picture as we were going to get.

As soon as we came home, our sweet neighbor JoJo came to meet Titus.  Marcus was proud, yet protective over his little brother already.

He's such a little peanut that he hardly fits in a car seat!

Chillin' on the couch

He looks so much like Marcus in this picture to me.

Once we were home, Titus got to meet his Papa John.

First morning waking up to a baby in his home, Marcus was intrigued.

Headed to church, Marcus brought Titus his "Lamby" to hold on to while he was gone.

Now I know what kept kicking me so hard...BIG FEET!

Our big boy still has plenty of sweetness in there.

The final picture of our pregnancy journey.  All those times you saw my belly's the final outcome!  Titus Jeffrey!

This picture was taken the day that Titus was born.

And here I am, nearly 10 pounds lighter!

These brotherly pictures crack me up.

Marcus: "I got you now, Buddy"
Titus: "Mama, noooooooo!"

This child will do ANYTHING to uncover his big ol' feet.

"No pictures, please.  Just rub my feet."

Daddy and Titus - so snuggly sweet

Marcus wanted to hold Titus one last time before he went to VBS.