Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lots of rain

     Over the past 2 days, it has rained...A LOT.  Many roads are closed, rivers are overflowing, and there is just a TON of water everywhere.  Many people are depressed and want it to go away.  Marcus, however, is LOVING the free water so he can play on his new slip-n-slide (courtesy of Papa John).  If it's thundering, of course, he can't play, but if it's just raining, he's outside having a BALL on it. 

I laid Titus down in our bed after feeding him around 5am.  Marcus ended up getting in bed and took a little nap beside him before getting up himself.

Our neighbor JoJo has been at the beach for a week, but the INSTANT she got home, Marcus was down there, following her every move.

Marcus had just taken a shower and I noticed how quiet he was.  When I went to go look, this is where I found him.  Both boys were pretty happy about it.

Running in the rain.

Loving his new slip-n-slide.

Sweet boy.

He has 3 rafts to jump on as he slides down.

Sweetness!  And the sun came out, too! :)

Cracking up because it's so fun.

Once our neighbor's left, he "lost" his shorts.  Oh my...

Face plant!

This cracks me up!

Where was Titus during all this?  Asleep on the bed, just inside the door.

Titus also met some very important people to us this week, the Rennards and Cobbs.  Beside Marcus are the 3 youngest Rennards, and Hudson Cobb is in the red shirt on the right (yes, it's Dr. Cobb's son).

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