Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Uncle Henry & Aunt Ran's Visit

     Sorry for the late pictures of our visit with Uncle Henry and Aunt Ran, but after they left, we fell apart. :)  Just kidding, but we have been busy.  But isn't that ALWAYS my excuse?  Ahh, such is life.

     Anyhow, they came into town on Saturday, August 24th mid-afternoon, right when the boys had finished their naps.  Marcus took right to them since they brought goodies and gifts.  Who wouldn't be happy with new books and candy?  Mark had to go paint the waiting room at the salon so the boys and I took them out to eat at Moe's and it was YUMMY!  The most exciting part for Marcus was seeing the train drive by less than 25 yards away.  It was close and LOUD.  Poor Titus' eyes bugged out of his head at the first honk, but I covered them for the subsequent ones and he was better.
     Sunday morning they met us at church and joined us for both our Sunday School and preaching.  I taught in the nursery and Marcus normally stays with me, but he insisted on going to "big church" since Aunt Ran was in there.  He didn't last long, but he enjoyed what little time he did get to sit with her.  After church we ran the van route then met them for lunch at Jason's Deli.  It was another great choice, but Marcus particularly enjoyed it because Aunt Ran shared her lemonade and he got some chocolate ice cream. 

    After getting back home, we rested a bit, then headed to Hendersonville to put the waiting room back together since the paint was dry at our newest salon.  What we initially thought would only take an hour or two took FOREVER but thankfully the Canadians showed up and took over with child care so we could get more done.  We still ended up leaving at 10pm, but we either would've gotten a lot less done or it would've been a lot later had they not shown up to save the day.

     Finally, on Monday the big event was swimming in "Aunt Ran's pool."  It was the pool at their hotel and thankfully it was only a few miles from us.  The weather was BEAUTIFUL and Marcus enjoyed splashing around with the two of them and his daddy.  I stayed out on baby patrol but stuck my feet in once.  We ended the evening with a trip to Outback, our "special occasion" restaurant.  We only go there on birthdays, anniversaries, or when family is in town.  They are obviously family, but we consider them to be especially important and special.  They care and pray for us immensely and we think the world of them.  Besides, who's a better blog stalker than you, Aunt Ran? ;)

Smiling all the time nowadays

10 Weeks Old

Spelling lesson with M-A-R-C-U-S

Aunt Ran's first meeting with Titus.

Reading his new book with Aunt Ran (sorry for the glare).

He snuggled right in there between them as if he sees them daily.

At least these big ol' feet are good for something.

Jumping in with all his might.

He caught mad air when jumping to his daddy.

Two good looking fellas

Marcus was making Uncle Henry laugh.

After she had just dried off, Marcus got Aunt Ran all wet again.

Chilling out

Aunt Ran the baby tamer - at the salon

Uncle Henry had a way with Titus, too.

So thankful that they came to do kid patrol Sunday night.

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