Monday, December 10, 2012

Cuter Than Ever

     Even though we're in the midst of the "Terrible Two's" and definitely have our difficult days, Marcus has been super cute and humorous lately.  We're having all out conversations with him and are amazed at some of the things he remembers.  He makes us laugh ALL THE TIME.  So for now, we're really enjoying this season of sweetness from our little man.  Even though he can be a holy terror at times, overall, he's been great the past week. :)

Marcus LOVES the lights in his room.

Cuddling on the couch Saturday morning.

Being silly, putting my ear warmers on his head.

Playing outside at a neighbor's house.

Showing me he's eating broccoli.  This kid is amazing!

Wearing Daddy's basketball jersey.

How cute is this kid?

All smiles before bedtime last night.

13 weeks
-Nausea still on and off
-Regained some energy this week
-Peppermints are my friend
-Went to the doctor and heard that glorious heartbeat again. All looks good. :)

He wanted us to take his picture holding the "numbers," too.

Did anyone else do this as a kid?  Cut a hole in an orange, then squeeze and suck all the juice out of it?  He LOVED it!

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